Connection 1: CUZ – LIM
- Origin: Cusco, Peru (CUZ)
- Destination: Lima, Peru (LIM)
- Class: Business
- Flight Cost: $356.37 + 26,000 Lifemiles for two
- Payment Method: Cash + Points
- Flight Value: $2,722 for two
- Value per Point: $0.09
- Flight Date: 9/5/17
- Flight Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
- Flight Delay: 32 minutes
- Miles Covered: 365 miles
- Airline: Avianca
- Plane: Airbus A319
- Entertainment: Modern Family
- Amenity Kit: None
- Food: Mixed nuts before takeoff
- Drink: Water & orange juice before takeoff / coke & peach juice during flight
- Primary Language: Spanish
Connection 2: LIM – EZE
- Origin: Lima, Peru (LIM)
- Destination: Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)
- Flight Date: 9/5/17
- Flight Time: 3 hours 45 minutes
- Total Travel Time: 13 hours 34 minutes
- Flight Delay: 1 hour 27 minutes
- Miles Covered: 1,956
- Airline: Avianca
- Plane: Airbus A321
- Class: Business
- Entertainment: Alien: Covenant
- Amenity Kit: None
- Food: They were out of vegetarian food for lunch which was a bummer. They scrounged us up a couple side salads intended for the crew (which I felt bad for taking but realized that probably meant they got our meat which hopefully they enjoyed more) which we had with a roll and cheesecake for dessert. We also got mixed nuts before takeoff.
- Drink: Champagne before takeoff / Peach Juice & Champagne during flight, followed by coffee with dessert.
- Primary Language: Spanish
- Memorable Moment: Flying over the Andes. They had to pause service as we crossed over because of unpredictable turbulence. It was great to see the snow-capped peaks and lakes.