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Exciting News: The “My Laptop is Found” Edition

Guys! Remember a few days ago when I cried about losing my laptop on a flight and how I was trying to accept that it was just gone because the airline hadn’t found it yet?

Guess what?! THEY FOUND IT!!! It’s the best news ever, and I’m so excited that I’ll get all of my photos back!

It was found on the plane in DC, somehow missed the gate agents who we called immediately and for days after the fact, and then made its way to American’s Lost & found third-party agency where it was tied back to my lost item ticket. From there, I was notified and arranged to have it shipped to Rochester to my parents, who then brought it with them to Hong Kong where they delivered it to me personally. WHAT A JOURNEY!

A huge thank you to American for tracking that down, my parents from bringing it the last leg of its journey, and to everyone for all the prayers and positive vibes!

That’s actually all I’ve got today, but I just had to share!