Summary //
We immediately felt at home at Pergamino, and we keep making our way back to it. With a whole menu section devoted to cold brew varieties and fabulous iced lattes served on an open air patio, there’s little not to love.

The cafe is full of people like us, travelers on their laptops, which is maybe why we loved it so much. It’s also one of the few places that draws a crowd in the morning time (this city is SO slow to wake up on weekends!). This is probably because so many patrons are tourists who are much more into coffee than the Colombian locals.

While most of the best coffee is exported from Colombia, Pergamino offers locally sourced, top quality coffee. The coffee farm has been in the family for three generations, but they also integrate services which help improve the lives of the workers in this difficult and low-paying industry.

Details //
- Location: Near Parque Lleras in the Poblado neighborhood (Cra. 37 #8-37, Medellin, Antioquia)
- What we ordered: Which time?! We’ve had the Cold Brew + Soda, Cold Brew, Iced Latte. All were fabulous.
- Price: 11,00 COP (about $3.50 USD)
- Wifi: Yes, free & speedy
- Seating: Open air indoor seating (including bar seating!) and a large front patio with outdoor seating
- Food: Pastries, but we did not try any.
- Table service or walk up: Walk up
- Languages Spoken: Spanish
- Credit cards accepted: Yes, but we paid with cash.
- Chain or Local: Local with 2 locations

Scores //
- Drink Quality: 8/10
- Food Quality: N/A
- Menu Creativity: 7/10
- Perceived Safety: 9/10
- Service: 8/10
- Good for digital nomads: 10/10
- Good for vegetarians: N/A
- Perceived Popularity: 9/10

Medellin Coffee Guide
Looking for more Medellin cafe reviews and info on the Medellin coffee scene? Be sure to check out our Medellin Coffee Guide for all things coffee in Medellin.
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